A New Understanding of Breast Cancer

by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D. 

German New Medicine (GNM) refers to the discoveries of German internist Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer, who, for the last twenty years, has provided us with ground-breaking empirical research about the origin, development and healing of diseases. To understand the true nature of breast cancer, I will first introduce you to the basic principles of German New Medicine. 

What Dr. Hamer found was that every disease starts with a shock experience that catches us completely off guard. He called such an unexpected event a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome), named after his son Dirk whose sudden tragic death initiated Dr. Hamer’s own cancer. Such an unanticipated event doesn’t always have to be spectacular. It can simply be triggered when we failed an important exam or when somebody hits us with a harsh remark. It is important to understand that a DHS differs greatly from a psychological “issue”.. A DHS is a biological event that not only occurs in the psyche but simultaneously in the brain and on an organ. At the very moment we suffer a DHS the conflict shock impacts a specific brain area causing a lesion that is clearly visible on a brain scan as a set of sharp target rings. Since each area in our brain is connected to a particular organ, the location of the brain lesion determines which organ will be affected. In other words: specific biological conflicts cause specific physical responses in the body, such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, etc. Based on our knowledge of the evolution of man, Dr. Hamer discovered that these responses were programmed into our brain as a result of a biological adaptation process that took place over millions of years. Since every human being is born with these age-old programs, German New Medicine refers to them as ”Significant Biological Special Program of Nature” (SBS) , in clear opposition to the term ”disease“ which implies a disorder and malfunction of the organism. 

According to Dr. Hamer’s findings, every Biological Program (”disease“) runs in two phases, provided that there is a resolution to the conflict. Let me illustrate this two-phased development with the example of breast cancer. Let’s say, a woman is walking on the sidewalk with her child. Suddenly, the child runs into the street and is struck by a car. Naturally, the mother is in total panic. She suffers, in biological terms, a ”mother-child-worry-conflict“ and instantly the Special Biological Program for this particular conflict is switched on. With the conflict shock she enters the first phase, the conflict-active phase, with very definite symptoms: mentally, she is totally preoccupied with what happened, she can’t sleep, she can’t eat, her hands and feet are cold – that’s why the conflict active phase is also called the COLD phase. If the woman is right-handed, the conflict will impact in the right side of the cerebellum (old brain) in the area that controls the breast glands in her left breast. If the ”worry-conflict“ would be over a partner the right breast would suffer the consequences. With left-handed women it is reversed. Since the brain plays such an integral part in German New Medicine, laterality is a decisive factor. 

At the moment when the conflict impacts in the brain, the affected brain cells send a command to the corresponding body cells to stimulate the production of specialized breast gland cells to produce more milk for the ailing child. Even if the woman is not breast feeding the event still triggers the onset of this response as it has been doing so over millions of years. As long as the mother is conflict active the breast cells will keep multiplying, forming a ”glandular breast tumor". By systematically analyzing hundreds of brain scans of patients with breast cancer, Dr. Hamer clearly established that cancer of the breast glands always has to do with worries or arguments within what a woman considers to be her ”nest“, e.g. her home, her children, her partner, her pet, her workplace. 

With the resolution of the conflict, when the child is well again, the second phase begins. In the healing phase the woman will be very tired, her appetite will return, her hands and feet will become warm again - that’s why the healing phase is also called the WARM phase. Unfortunately this is also the phase in which a patient develops inflammation, fever, infection and might suffer considerable pain. In the organ we also see an instant change: with the child being safe and sound, there is no reason to produce more of these precious breast gland cells. The tumor will immediately stop growing and the now superfluous cells will be decomposed with the help of special bacteria that are on standby for exactly that task. Since microbes are so indispensable for our survival, their different assignments were also programmed into the brain that now controls their many activities in our body. German New Medicine refutes the standard view that microbes are our enemies that are out to destroy us. On the contrary, given the purposeful co-existence of man and microbes, microbes are identified as our loyal helpers that maintain our organs and our tissues. 

While the glands of the breasts are affected when a woman suffers a ”mother-child-nest-conflict“, the milk-ducts will react when she encounters a separation conflict, for example if her child, or her mother, or her partner was ”torn from her breast“. Since the milk ducts are controlled by the sensory cortex in the cerebrum (new brain), the tissue will respond differently: during the conflict-active phase the milk canals show small ulcers with the biological purpose to widen the diameter of the ducts to aid the discharge of milk that is no longer required. As soon as the conflict is resolved the ulcerated tissue will be replenished. Conventional oncology calls this cell proliferation that occurs during the healing phase an ”intra-ductal carcinoma“. German New Medicine offers a different view. After having carefully observed Nature’s biological laws for more than two decades, Dr. Hamer can assure us that such a ”healing tumor“ is a harmless lump that will slowly degrade during the healing process. 

© 2006 by Caroline Markolin
Extract from: www.LearningGNM.com

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