German New Medicine®, diabetes, hypoglycemia ...and healing

Keeping the Right Blood Sugar Range

Your normal blood sugar range varies between 60 and 100 milligrams per cc of blood, rising and falling according to whether you've recently eaten, whether you're doing heavy physical work, and other daily metabolic events.

Blood sugar levels that rise or fall outside of the normal blood sugar range - diabetes and hypoglycemia - are believed by conventional medicine to be caused by mechanical problems of the pancreas, which for some unknown reason fails to produce insulin in the correct amounts, and is believed, therefore, to cause either too much or too little blood sugar to be stored in the liver.

Conventional medicine has also labelled blood sugar problems an "autoimmune disorder," meaning that they are believed to be caused by a serious mechanical flaw that causes the body's immune system to attack itself.

Unfortunately for people who suffer from diabetes and hypoglycemia, this (incorrect) mechanistic view of how the body works leads to treatments that are often ineffective and potentially harmful over the long run. Because of its view that problems with blood sugar range are controllable but not curablee, conventional medical therapy seeks to tamper with sugar and insulin levels, putting even more strain on the body's metabolism as the body tries to overcome the effects of the "therapy."

Conventional medicine approaches abnormal blood sugar range without knowledge of the real reason why sugar levels are pushed above or below the normal range.

However, through German New Medicine®, we know that diabetes and hypoglycemia are caused by the same thing that leads to all diseases: blood sugar range abnormalities are a brain-mediated response to a specific type of life experience that you have had.

Nature does not make mistakes, and the body does not attack itself. Diabetes and hypoglycemia are appropriate biological responses, evolved over millions of years, to help your brain and body respond to life situations.

How (and Why) Your Brain Controls Your Blood Sugar Range

Blood sugar range is controlled by two small areas in the front, central part of the cerebral cortex - the wrinkly outer "bark" of the two large hemispheres of the brain. These two control centres each respond to life experiences requiring fight-or-flight.

Because fight-or-flight is a component of many stressful situations in modern life, it's easy to guess that abnormal blood sugar range is a common metabolic response to many threatening situations.

Your brain, under certain kinds of environmental threat situations, directs your body to either prepare to resist and fight, or jump up and escape. Your brain does this by raising or lowering your blood sugar, and it raises or lowers your blood sugar level by reducing the "voltage" (innervation) to either the beta-islet cells or the alpha-islet cells of your pancreas, respectively.

Sugar levels above the normal blood sugar range (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, Type 1 diabetes) occur because there is some person or situation in your life that you feel you must resist or fight against. The higher levels of sugar provide fuel for the higher metabolic requirements of tense muscles prepared to help you resist or defend yourself.
The sugar centre on the right hemisphere will make blood sugar levels rise by decreasing innervation to the beta islet cells of the pancreas, resulting in a decreased level of insulin output. Insulin takes sugar out of the blood and stores it in the liver.

Athletes take advantage of this phenomenon and the (temporary) advantage to their muscles, by eating their carbohydrate-rich "game meal" at just the right amount of time before their big performance.

People with high blood sugar feel as though they want to just stand their ground. It is a strong, stubborn feeling, as if your body is saying "I refuse to back out of this situation!"

The physical consequences of putting the body into this heightened state of physical readiness include:
  • excessive thirst, a normal part of a heightened stress state, because more water is needed to flush through waste byproducts when our metabolism is running faster;
  • excessive urination, a normal part of a heightened stress state because we drink more water and produce more metabolic waste products when we're under stress.
  • ketoacidosis, producing an acetone smell on the breath. This is a metabolic consequence of muscles' sugar demand not being met.
  • diabetic coma and other severe diabetic symptoms are not a result of blood sugar levels that are too high. They are a result of the demand for sugar being much higher than your body's metabolism can keep up with.
When you resolve your resistance/fight situation, your metabolism will temporarily reverse into low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
Sugar levels below the normal blood sugar range (hypoglycemia) occur because there is some person or situation in your life that you feel you must be ready to run away from. It is the "flight" response.

The sugar centre in the left hemisphere of the brain will make blood sugar levels drop by decreasing innervation to the alpha-islet cells of the pancreas, resulting in an increased level of insulin output. Insulin takes sugar out of the blood and stores it in the liver.

People with low blood sugar feel nervous, quivery, even panicky with heart palpitations. It's a sense of not being grounded, like you can't quite connect with your body and you might faint or fly away or jump out of your skin. The fundamental consequence of your body being put into this state is that you are ready, at a moment's notice, to run and escape a situation or a person. The body makes itself "lighter" by (temporarily) not feeding the muscles!

The physical consequences of putting our body into this state of temporary malnutrition include:
  • constant hunger
  • weight loss
  • fainting, dizziness, and confusion, blurring vision, behaviour resembling drunkenness
  • flightiness, or "the jitters"
  • fluttering heartbeat (the heart muscles do not get enough nutrition either!)
  • hypoglycemic seizures and coma are not just a direct consequence of inadequate muscle nutrition; they are the brain's extremely literal method of "escaping" the situation.
When you resolve your flight/escape conflict, your metabolism will temporarily reverse into high blood sugar (diabetes).
Sugar levels that go both above and below the normal blood sugar range (Type 2 diabetes) occur when both the fight and the flight response are called into play because of two or more separate external life situations. Your blood sugar will rise when one situation is activated, and will drop when the other situation is activated.

If you already have an active fight or flight situation in your life that is being responded to by one of the blood sugar centres in your brain, and then you experience another fight or flight situation in your life, the other blood sugar centre will be activated.

Blood sugar levels may also go in both directions if your metabolism is chronically going back and forth between the active conflict situation and the reversed, resolution stage.

Symptoms of diabetes and hypoglycemia that are not caused by the abnormal blood sugar range come about because other parts of the brain will be called upon to deal with the same life situation. In other words, these symptoms can occur without an abnormal blood sugar range:
  • obesity, abdominal pain, and nausea - territorial anger conflicts that relay to the stomach
  • hepatitis - territorial anger conflicts that relay to the bile ducts of the liver
  • Cushing's syndrome - a collection of symptoms affecting the gonads, heart, musculoskeletal system, and mental health
  • motor and circulatory problems - entrapment conflicts
  • panic attacks - territorial fear and paranoia conflicts
  • asthma - territorial fear and anger conflicts
  • excessive urination and incontinence - boundary marking conflicts
  • glaucoma - territorial anger conflicts

Treatments to Help Maintain the Correct Blood Sugar Range

Conventional medicine sees the body as a machine, and nothing more. Without understanding the role of the brain and its evolved response to external life situations, glucose levels outside the normal blood sugar range are seen as failures of the body - flaws in the "machinery" - to pump out the correct amounts of insulin. So the conventional treatment for diabetes and hypoglycemia is to simply either tamper with sugar supply (through nutrition) or tamper with insulin levels (though medication). These "therapies" can't really solve the problem, however, because the brain will continue to adjust your metabolism in order to prepare you to deal with your external life situation.

The role of the German New Medicine® healer is to help you determine the triggering life experiences and put them together with other factors to help you to dismantle the conflicts in your life. When you discover the cause of your sugar levels going out of the normal blood sugar range, you can remove the cause and affect a true cure.

  the German New Medicine® Healer

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1 comentarios:

Ron123 dijo...

All the doctors (specialists, oncologists, etc.) cannot be ignorant to the existence of scientific proof against the dogma's their own 'health practice' is build upon (like the work of Antoine Béchamp, Dr. Hamer, etc.). My own experience, when confronting doctors with 'alternative views and theories' on disease - even after succesfully demonstrating a cancer cure, based on these alternative views - is very discouraging. I guess most people just look the other way when their self-interest is at stake... My advice to 'patients' is: 'get a hold of yourself'.

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