The German New Medicine® Explains the Real Cause of HIV-AIDS symptoms
AIDS symptoms are a collection of healing phase and active-conflict symptoms that were given this new label in 1980.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a medical syndrome believed to be caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), transmitted through sexual relations, shared needles or other mechanisms of blood-to-blood contact.
However, pathological viruses may not even exist. The HIV virus (like every other pathogenic virus) has never been seen, and a positive HIV test result is not present in all cases of AIDS. The AIDS disease itself presents different symptoms in its different victims, and those various symptoms have all existed long before the AIDS diagnosis ever did. Even the immune system as we understand it does not exist.
Basically, AIDS is just a cluster of things, some statistical trends and correlations that have been given a certain label and meaning. In that sense, AIDS is a great medical lie, and makes a great mockery of the scientific method in medicine. But once the HIV-AIDS idea took hold, it proved so profitable - while validating homophobic, classist, and racist sanctions against people of already lowered self-image - that there was simply no turning back.
AIDS is a hoax of the worst kind. It is a hoax designed to get people's money, by ruining their lives and the lives of their families and loved ones. It is a hoax that allows our society to warehouse its social outcasts and allows them to die alone and in fear instead of relieving the social problems that lead people to become drug addicts. At its core, it is profit from homophobia and xenophobia.
The official AIDS story is that this disease appeared in 1981 among several men in Los Angeles and New York. The symptoms of the disease were that they had pneumonia, skin cancer, and a lower blood count of CD4 T cells, which conventional medicine believes to be part of the invader-attacking immune system.
None of these symptoms on its own was unusual, but the men who had these symptoms were also gay. Immediately, all the places where gay men gather and vacation in United States, Western Europe, and Haiti, were checked, and sure enough these symptoms appeared together there, too. A couple years later (1984), a researcher made himself famous for suggesting that he had found the virus that "probably" caused this new plague. He called the virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Over the next three years, as panic about the new plague and the awful stigma it carried spread around the world, big pharma got busy developing a drug to save the day: azidothymidine, or AZT, a very toxic, debilitating, and expensive medication that does not cure AIDS, but allegedly keeps the body from developing AIDS after getting an HIV diagnosis.
Although an HIV-AIDS test was devised by 1985, virtually every gay man who went to a medical doctor in the 1980's and early 1990's with swollen lymph nodes, pneumonia, or skin cancer, was diagnosed without even bothering to administer the HIV test. This is still the case for impoverished Africans today, who do not have money for basic medical supplies, or even a consistent diet, let alone the hundreds of dollars the HIV test originally cost.
The HIV test is an allergy test that virtually everyone would test positive for, except that in the laboratory the blood sample is diluted by a factor of 1000 before running the test.
In the actual laboratory test, the patient's diluted blood is tested to see if it will exhibit an allergic response against a given substance (the ELISA test). If it does exhibit an allergic response, the blood is tested to see if it displays a genetic indication of an allergy to this substance (the Western Blot test).
Some people test positive when they first take the test and then test negative later on. This is because they have resolved the conflicts that were creating their allergy to this substance. Some people are born testing HIV-positive, but then test negative later on when they begin to develop their own proteins based on their own life experiences.
Now here's the thing about that allergy test. The substance used to test for an HIV reaction is smegma. If your blood - responding to instructions from your brain - has a reaction to coming into contact with the sexual secretions of a stranger, then you will be given the horrendous diagnosis of "HIV positive."
Within a couple years of getting famous for "discovering" the HIV virus, its discoverer admitted that he was wrong. But by then a fabulously-lucrative industry had been born. The list of symptoms ascribed to the disease AIDS has now grown to include over 30 relatively common (and usually resolvable) diseases.
The only commonality between AIDS victims is that they have received an AIDS diagnosis or have tested positive on the HIV allergy test. If a person tests negative on an HIV test but has the symptoms, they will be diagnosed with such things as tuberculosis, skin cancer, bronchitis/pneumonia, 'flu, leukemia/anemia, candidiasis, and several other diseases that many of us suffer in some from at some point in our lives.
Symptoms that have real causes and real solutions.
It is medical-propaganda-induced terror, however, that sends a sexually-promiscuous man or a heroin-addicted teen or a poverty-stricken African woman to the clinic to get a professional's confirmation of what they already believe to be their problem: AIDS as a result of their own sexual misconduct or illicit drug use, or their husband's infidelity.
The disease diagnosis seems like a pronouncement from God upon a person who has lived their life wrong. Only the pronouncement does not come from God, it comes from a medical clinic, based on a nonsense disease hypothesis and a disgusting test method.
This diagnosis is one of the most serious conflict-shock experiences that any person can experience. The iron rule of the DHS (conflict-shock) ensures that those who are given this diagnosis will often develop AIDS symptoms soon afterward (or whenever their doctor told them they would develop them).
And then the reason behind this fear campaign - and the reason why it has never been seriously questioned by the medical industry, even though the entire HIV-AIDS diagnosis and all of the collection of so-called AIDS symptoms do not meet any of the standards of scientific rigour or questioning necessary to ethically exist in the first place: patients are prescribed medications that make certain companies an enormous amount of money.
These drugs are believed to suppress the "viral load," reducing the absolute number of HIV particles in the blood and thereby allowing the CD4 T cell levels to stay higher. This is seen to correlate with an absence of certain AIDS symptoms: fever, achy muscles, and other symptoms of the 'flu, which, after you've tested positive on an HIV test, are usually called AIDS symptoms instead of "the 'flu.
But think about it: how many people who have the 'flu go and get their blood tested for viral loading and have their CD4 T cell levels counted? Virtually none. Right - so the statistics are skewed!
But think about it: how many people who have the 'flu go and get their blood tested for viral loading and have their CD4 T cell levels counted? Virtually none. Right - so the statistics are skewed!
The drugs prescribed for HIV-AIDS symptoms would all by themselves make the healthiest people in the world develop several so-called "AIDS symptoms." But once someone has been given this diagnosis and goes that far along the process that they are being prescribed the pills, they have been written off by their doctors. And by most of the rest of society, too. So the stories of reversing late-stage AIDS symptoms are rare indeed.
A German New Medicine® healer approaches HIV-AIDS symptoms exactly the same way that she approaches every other diagnosis: by looking at the whole person: at their symptoms, their personality, and the experiences they've had.
As often as not, the medical diagnosis is viewed not as the actual disease, but as the cause of the disease symptoms.
Every disease has a potential healing. Especially made-up diseases that don't really exist at all.
The emergency response, first line of defense for treating AIDS symptoms is to become thoroughly convinced of the massive hoax of which AIDS patients have been made victim. Then find out the real cause of the symptoms you're having. There is a solution.
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