During The Conflict -Active Phase

German New Medicine® is neither an "alternative medicine", nor an "integrative medicine", nor a "complementary medicine". German New Medicine offers a complete scientific system based on Five Biological Laws that explain the cause, the development, and, above all, the natural healing of so-called diseases.


Typical signs of conflict-activity are constant dwelling on the conflict, sleeplessness, a lack of appetite, and cold extremities. From a biological point of view, the state of stress, particularly the extra waking hours and the total preoccupation with the conflict, are intended to put the individual into a state that facilitates a conflict resolution. To put it a different way: the moment we experience a conflict shock, the autonomous nervous system switches instantly into sympathicotonia (an enhanced state of stress), in order to provide our organism with more energy, so that we are able to resolve the conflict as quickly as possible.

Controlled from the conflict related brain-relay, a biologically meaningful change also takes place on the corresponding organ. If more tissue is required to facilitate the resolution of the conflict, the conflict-related organ or tissue responds with cell proliferation, like with a tumor growth; if less tissue is required to assist the conflict resolution, the organ or tissue responds to the related conflict with cell-meltdown, causing, for example, angina pectoris (involving the coronary arteries).

Thus, the basis of GNM therapy is to understand the biological significance of the symptoms, and to support their process rather than fighting it or interfering with it. When we are aware that very specific symptoms, including some cancers, are typical for the conflict-active phase, then we are in absolute control of the situation. We are able to quickly overcome any panic or fear and thus prevent new conflict shocks AND new symptoms, including new cancers. Free from fear, we can fully concentrate on the conflict resolution.

There is, of course, no general answer as to how to resolve a conflict. The resolution of each conflict always depends on the individual circumstances. However, a practical solution is usually the best and most lasting.

Since the healing symptoms are always proportional to the intensity and the duration of the conflict-active phase, we should always try to resolve a conflict as soon as possible.

If a conflict cannot be resolved at the time due to constraints or because of its emotional intensity, downgrading the conflict is a most important step. Extreme conflict-activity that lasts over a long period of time depletes the body of energy to an extent that the organism wastes away and the individual dies of what is called cachexia.

Reducing an intense conflict, for example, through finding partial resolutions, a change of attitude, or distraction, also decreases the symptoms on the organ level, for instance, the size of a tumor. Thus, a downgraded "conflict mass" also provides better conditions for going into the healing phase. This is preventive medicine at its best!

During the conflict-active phase there are rarely noticeable physical "disease" symptoms. Cancers that develop during the first phase, such as lung cancer, glandular breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterus cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, or pancreas cancer are usually only detected during routine check-ups (PSA-tests, mammograms, Pap-tests), through "early screening" strategies, or medical exams targeted to find out whether a cancer has "spread" (lung X-rays, bone-density tests, organ scans, and all kinds of "-oscopies"). Needless to say that these procedures can trigger new conflicts, such as "worry conflicts", "death-fright conflicts", "self-devaluation conflicts", "resistance conflicts", and the like, causing additional symptoms, including more cancers.

Dr. HAMER: "Regarding the diagnosis of cancers, about 40% of routine examinations reveal old encapsulated tumors, which should be left untouched. If the diagnosis has caused any conflicts, such as a death fright conflict or a "self-devaluation conflict", these conflicts need to be addressed. In any case, there is never a reason to panic or to be scared of "metastasizing cancer cells"".

In GNM therapy, in the treatment of conflict-active symptoms it is most important to find strategies and ways to resolve the related conflict, and, as a next but equally important step, to get prepared for the healing symptoms that are predictable!! The earlier we learn GNM, the better prepared we are for healing. When the healing symptoms finally arrive, they will not cause any fear or panic, but will rather be welcomed with a feeling of relief.


Low energy, fatigue, headaches, swelling, pain, inflammation, fever, night sweats, pus, discharge (potentially mixed with blood), so-called "infections" and certain types of cancer are typical symptoms indicating that the related conflict has been resolved and that the correlating organ or tissue is now undergoing a natural healing process. Thus, most "diseases", including intra-ductal breast cancer, cervical cancer, bronchial cancer, or Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, are treated - both by allopathic and naturopathic medicine - when they are already in the process of healing!

Chemo and radiation treatments are brutal and aggressive attacks on a body that is trying to heal.

Dr. Hamer: "If the patient has been made aware of all the facts, he will no longer need to get frightened by his symptoms. He can now fully accept these as the healing symptoms they are - all of which had until now caused fear and panic. In the greatest number of cases, the whole episode will pass without any serious consequences."

Being able to identify and to recognize that very specific symptoms, including certain types of cancer, correlate to the resolution of a very particular conflict, also prevents new shocks and thus the development of additional symptoms. Preventive medicine can't get any better.

Suffering persons, who learn about GNM after they have received a diagnosis, are often in a desperate position, particularly when they have been diagnosed with cancer. Scared of a "malignant" disease and frightened that the cancer could "metastasize", they are torn between the doctrines of official medicine and Dr. Hamer's medical findings that reassure them that a cancer is always biologically meaningful and no reason to panic. As Dr. Hamer puts it, "being thus thrown back and forth between hope and panic is a most difficult situation for the patient and the cause for the very worst of complications." Fear causes stress that is detrimental to healing. Fear drains the body of its healing energy. Panic triggers new conflicts and reactions in the body, which hamper the healing process. A typical response, for example, is water retention as a result of an "existence conflict" or "hospitalization conflict".

German New Medicine is a new paradigm of medicine, but it is also a new paradigm of consciousness. It is the awareness that our organism possesses an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing capabilities. It is also the recognition that each cell of our body is endowed with a biological wisdom we share with all living creatures.

For generations, the medical authorities have enslaved and imprisoned the human mind with a fear of diseases. The Five Biological Laws allow us to re-connect with Nature and to regain our trust in her creative and intelligent force. Thanks to Dr. Hamer's unfailing integrity and his dedicated research over the past three decades, we have now the key to become free of that fear.

No remedy and no device in the world can "remove" a conflict. Resolving a conflict is also a process of learning and our chance to grow. The belief that we could bypass this opportunity with remedies or devices of any kind is locked into a paradigm that ignores the profound spiritual aspect of healing.

Dr. HAMER: "Those groups and individuals, who plagiarize and corrupt my discoveries say that GNM cannot offer any therapy. They make the patients, as well as the public at large, falsely believe that their "therapies", their "remedies", or their "devices" is an application of German New Medicine. This deception is serving self-interests and distracts patients from finding help and healing through the truth of the Five Biological Laws. In over 90% of cases, the body heals itself."

A practitioner with a true understanding of GNM will honor and respect that the only true "healer" is the patient - the one who is healing at the time.

A practitioner with an in-depth knowledge of GNM knows how to support the healing process without interfering with it or causing any harm. He or she will also be aware of the risks of resolving an intense conflict too fast, and, that under certain circumstances it is imperative NOT to resolve a conflict in order to prevent a difficult healing crisis. By understanding the entire process, potential complications can be anticipated and addressed before they become critical. With GNM, gentle intervention can be planned to slow down an intense healing phase and ease the difficult points, without interrupting the healing process. With the patient and the practitioner working together, as facilitators for Nature, the healing phase can be a beautiful, life-affirming process for both.

The support and care of family and friends are, above all, the most precious gift a loved-one can receive during that time.

Dr. Hamer likes to speak of


The spirit of GNM Therapy could not be described any better

We should always keep in mind that everything in our organism occurs simultaneously and in a synchronized fashion on all three levels (psyche, brain, organ). The healing process, both in the body and of the related brain relay, always runs parallel to the healing that occurs on the emotional and psychological level. Tracks that trigger conflict relapses need to be identified in order to be able to fully complete the healing process.

The "clearing" of traumatic experiences (see also our Warning Page) can potentially cause the onset of acute healing symptoms with the risks of serious complications, particularly during the epileptoid crises. The same applies to techniques used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Any method aimed at unearthing and re-living old traumas might trigger emotional relapses, followed by the conflict-related physical symptoms - often to the surprise of both the patient and the therapist.

Affirmation exercises can keep the memory of a particular conflict-situation active, leading to re-occurring or chronic conditions. An example: A man suffered a DHS, when his employer told him that the much expected promotion went not him but to one of his colleagues. Once he began to get used to the situation, he developed bladder cancer (the healing symptom of a conflict of "not being able to mark the territory", involving the lining of the bladder). Because of his cancer, he was forced to go into early retirement. Although he was now away from the office (the location, where the "territorial marking conflict" occurred) and from his colleague (who invaded his "territory"), the bladder cancer became "chronic". It turned out that the tracks, which kept the conflict reoccurring and thus prolonged the healing of the cancer, were the colleague-related affirmations, which he practiced several times a day.

EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is a method that apparently relieves emotional stress by tapping on certain meridians with the fingertips. EFT community website “Re: Help to control re-growth of benign brain tumor” is an example of how German New Medicine®, including GNM-Therapy, can become distorted as a result of a misinterpretation of Dr. Hamer’s findings.


DR. HAMER: "A number of complications can arise during the healing and repair phase - both on the brain level and on the organ level . During the vagotonic stage, it is completely normal to feel tired and without energy for several weeks, or even, as in the case of hepatitis, for several months.

Many patients who are still able to be up and about throughout their conflict-active cancer stage (sympathicotonia), may become so tired during the ensuing healing phase (vagotonia) that they cannot even get out of bed. However, this condition is actually a very good sign indeed, and is even to be desired as the most optimal of conditions.

At this stage, everything is in the process of being repaired. Any previously neglected or pushed-aside 'jobs' are now taken care of - in the brain as well as in the body. For example, an abscess that has been kept on a "low flame" will now flare up; any bleeding, which has hitherto been kept at a minimum because of narrowed blood vessels (during the conflict-active phase), will now increase and weight that had been lost is now regained. Last but not least, all "malignant tumors" or necroses are now being decomposed or refilled with the help of fungi or bacteria.

However, as much as these responses may be considered normal, and even highly desirable, they may also result in complications such as heavy bleeding or impaired organ function. Complications can also arise when an edema obstructs vital pathways, when a bronchial "carcinoma" (actually an atelectasis) impairs the function of the bronchia, or when gall stones block the bile ducts. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that complications never be underestimated.

On the brain level, most complications occur during the healing phase, when the localized brain edema causes the brain pressure to increase - at which time we have to do everything possible to prevent the patient from falling into a coma. During this phase it is helpful, in the less severe cases, to bring down the edema naturally by drinking strong coffee or tea, by taking grape-fructose or Vitamin C, or by putting an icepack on the head or taking cold showers. Cool compresses applied to the "hot spot" of the brain are highly recommended, especially at night. Patients in the healing phase suffer most during the night; that is to say, until about 3 or 4 in the morning, when the organism switches over to the day-rhythm. Absolutely to be avoided are direct sunlight on the head, sauna visits, and hot baths. If intra-venous fluids are administered during this critical phase, the swelling in the brain increases, which can exacerbate an already serious situation."


DR. HAMER: "Surgery on a tumor is recommended, if vital nerves, arteries or pathways of supply or elimination are affected, for example an obstruction of the bowels, the bile ducts, or the trachea. This occurs in 15-20% of these cancers, and these are also the only cases where a tumor may lead to complications. Encapsulated tumors, which could not be decomposed because of the absence of the necessary microbes at the time, might be removed surgically, if they cause discomfort to the patient. However, the surgeon should only remove as much tissue as is needed. Since cancers do not "metastasize", cutting deeply into healthy tissue is unnecessary."


DR. HAMER: "As a rule, the use of drugs should be carefully considered and restricted to cases of emergency. Medication can certainly alleviate or eliminate symptoms, or prevent complications that arise during the healing phase. But, no drug and no therapy in the world can truly cure a disease. Only the patient can "treat" his symptoms, because only he can resolve his conflict and only he can do the healing!"

In order for medication to be at all useful, medication, including herbal and other naturopathic medicines, as well as dietary supplements need to be categorized according to the two-phase pattern of every SBS.

A health practitioner working in line with GNM will be aware that medications with sympathicotonic qualities enhance the conflict-active symptoms and slow the healing process, while medications with vagotonic qualities do the opposite.

Medication during the conflict-active phase

DR. HAMER: "During the conflict-active phase, a patient should, if at all, only be given "vagotonic" drugs, which decrease the state of stress. Sedatives or tranquilizers taken over a longer period of time, however, carry the risk of turning an active conflict into a hanging conflict. They also drastically diminish the motivation and the energetic force necessary to resolve the conflict. Not at all recommended during this period are sympathicotonic agents, since they enhance and prolong the conflict-active symptoms, with potentially serious consequences for the patient."

Medication during the healing phase

DR. HAMER: "Medication during the healing phase is not required, except for about 10% of cases.

Antibiotics interrupt or entirely stop the repair work of microbes on a healing organ.

Cortisone, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics are all sympathicotonic medications with a stimulating effect. Administered during the healing phase, they disturb and prolong the natural healing process and prevent a complete recuperation.

Sympathicotonic medication is, however, recommended in the case of an intense healing phase with potentially serious complications, particularly during the epileptoid crisis. Since the healing process is always controlled from the organ-related brain relay, sympathicotonic drugs have the effect to reduce the brain edema and consequently the organic symptoms. Yet, it is of the utmost importance to understand that sympathicotonic drugs, such as cortisone, increase an existing water retention ("Syndrome"), which can result in a severe situation as the extra water is also retained in the healing organ, causing increased swelling, increased pain, and potentially life-threatening organ obstructions, for example, in the colon or the bile ducts.

Cytostatic drugs ("Chemo") are poisonous sympathicotonic agents. They accelerate the growth of tumors that develop during the conflict-active phase. They also diminish the elasticity of the brain tissue involved during the healing process. Over the course of Chemo-treatments the brain edema alternatively compresses and expands. Eventually, this "accordion effect" can lead to the tearing of the brain tissue with serious consequences.

Radiation treatments also have cytotoxic effects. Radioactivity destroys healthy body cells, including bone marrow, where blood cells are produced. If the organism manages to recover, then we see leukemia during healing (just like with a biological "self-devaluation conflict" involving the bones).

Morphine is a strong narcotic that puts a patient, who is in a vagotonic healing phase, even deeper into vagotonia, causing the brain edema to increase, with the risk that the brain pressure might cause the patient falling into a coma. One single injection of morphine administered to a patient at the deepest phase of vagotonia can be fatal! Morphine paralyzes the intestines and weakens the will to live."


Dr. HAMER: "An individual who eats properly is less susceptible to suffer biological conflicts. That is self-evident. It is a lot like why rich people don't get as many cancers as the poor, because the rich are able to resolve many conflicts simply by pulling out their cheque book and writing a cheque. But to prevent cancer (or any other disease) through diet is impossible, because even a healthy diet cannot stop conflicts from occurring. In Nature, the strong and healthy animal will naturally suffer fewer cancers than the one that is weak or aged. But this does not mean that being old is therefore carcinogenic."

It goes without saying that a healthy diet is essential for our well-being. Eating healthy food is particularly important, when we are in a "biological program" (SBS).

During conflict-activity, the digestive system runs in a minimal mode, so the appetite is usually low (Dr. Hamer: "a stag can't regain his lost territory with a full belly!"). Throughout this stress phase, dietary supplementation can be of great value as it enhances the energy and the strength needed to bear the distress and to resolve the conflict.

At the beginning of the healing phase, the appetite returns. Food now becomes true medicine. When an organ or tissue is in the stage of being repaired, the organism needs lots of nutrients that support the healing process. The energy we gain through a healthy diet makes healing so much easier. Conversely, foods containing toxins (pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, food additives, and the like) deplete the body of energy. This can prolong and even complicate the healing process.

When we fully recognize that it is the PSYCHE, where diseases begin and where they end, and that the brain functions as the biological control center of all bodily processes, including "pathogenic" changes, then we also learn to understand that our diet or nutritional supplements cannot per se prevent, let alone cure a disease. However, a healthy diet, ideally from organic sources, will certainly accelerate the healing process as, for example, a cancer that is already healing.

Eating significant amounts of protein-rich food is of the utmost importance during the healing of old-brain controlled tumors, such as lung cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, pancreas cancer, or glandular breast cancer. When TB-bacteria are in the process of decomposing a cancer, the body eliminates, together with the remnants of the tumor, a discharge containing high amounts of protein. Supplementing the lost protein through protein-rich foods can be life-saving. "Juice diets" or "raw food diet" during that period could cause serious complications. The same applies to fasting at such a time.

Familiar with the two-phase pattern of every "disease", the quality of food, herbs, or dietary supplements appear in an entirely new light.

For example, Vitamin C has a "sympathicotonic" quality and as such acts like a stimulant. This explains why Vitamin C "works" with a cold or why it helps to relieve pain (a vagotonic healing symptom), given intravenously. Taken in excessive amounts during the conflict-active phase, Vitamin C can augment the symptoms, including the growth of old-brain controlled tumors. In the healing phase, on the other hand, Vitamin C decreases the healing symptoms but also prolongs the healing phase. This could be a welcome measure to slow down healing symptoms that are very intense (see "About Medication" below).

Coffee, like Vitamin C, is a stimulant. That is why drinking coffee relieves headaches (a vagotonic symptom). However, too much coffee during the conflict-active phase also amplifies the related symptoms, for instance, water retention and water retention-related weight gain (caused by "abandonment or existence conflicts"). This also applies to soft-drinks, "energy drinks", and any other stimulating liquids.

Undeniably, German New Medicine offers exciting new insights for nutritionists and herbalists.


In 1981, Dr. Hamer submitted his discovery of the "The Five Biological Laws the New Medicine" to the University of Tübingen as a postdoctoral thesis. Despite its legal obligations and court orders in 1986 and 1994, the Medical Faculty of the University refused to evaluate Dr. Hamer's findings. In fact, on March 12, 2008, the judge of the Administrative Court of Sigmaringen, Germany, ruled that the University of Tübingen is no longer obliged to verify Dr. Hamer's thesis.

This is an unprecedented case in the history of Universities!

Dr. Hamer's several attempts to open a clinic, where patients can be treated according to GNM principles, were often intercepted by the authorities.

In 1985, Dr. Hamer had to close his cancer clinic in Katzenelbogen, Germany, since his New Medicine was not officially recognized.

Headline: "Cancer doctor Hamer is finished".

Text: 70 patients had to leave the clinic immediately, because the police threatened: "Those who don't leave voluntarily will be arrested!"

In 1986, a court sentence stopped Dr. Hamer from practicing medicine on the grounds that he refused to renounce his findings and to conform to the principles of official medicine. Dr. Hamer lost his medical license, even though his discoveries have never been disproved). Without a medical license and without the approval of his post-doctoral thesis by the University of Tuebingen, Dr. Hamer is neither allowed to practice medicine nor to teach medical students and future physicians.

As a result of the ongoing concerted effort to suppress Dr. Hamer's medical discoveries, doctors as well as the populace at large have not been given a chance to benefit from the knowledge of GNM, and, millions of patients have been denied treatment according to German New Medicine with its humane, non-invasive approach - for almost 30 years!

The suffering caused by the censorship of
Dr. Hamer's discoveries, for patients and
their loved-ones, is beyond measure.

German New Medicine

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