Breast cancer: Testimonial 2

By Marcy Porman, U.S.A.
January 21, 2009

"I am now cancer free!"

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998 - at that time it was Stage 1.  Before I began any research of my own, I was frightened by my surgical oncologist and rushed into surgery.  She had advised a lumpectomy and complete removal of the axillary lymph nodes.  My initial cancer treatment research was purely into conventional therapies, but it was at this time when the sentinel node biopsies were in clinical trials.  I agreed to the lumpectomy, but not the lymphectomy (too many horror stories about lymph edema) and was accepted into the clinical trial for the sentinel node biopsy (3 nodes all negative) at UPenn.  Against the advice of my oncologists, I refused all adjuvant therapies because my research indicated that they weren't effective and would likely do more harm than good.  I tried dozens of alternative treatments in the years that followed, but my cancer progressed to stage IV.  My tumors had ulcerated and I suffered so much blood loss that I required transfusions.  About 4 years ago I acquiesced to my conventional doctors and began receiving radical radiation treatments that were far stronger than those conventionally given for breast cancer.  Once the treatments were finished, I expected that my radiation oncologist would want to see me for follow-up evaluations, but I was never summoned for a single appointment.  I did, however, have monthly appointments with my GP.  A year or so after my radiation therapy, I questioned my GP as to why I had never again heard from the radiation oncologist.  He stared at me for about 10 seconds, and then asked, "You really don't know?"  I replied that I had no idea, and he quietly responded, "Well, you weren't expected to live."  I was stunned.  My reply: "Well, that just wasn't an option!"

It was shortly after my radiation treatments that I learned of German New Medicine, embraced its premise, and resolved my emotional conflicts.  That's when I began to heal.  I am now cancer free!  My current health challenges stem from the radiation treatments.  I am finally almost healed of the massive, painful skin ulcers they caused.  The radiation also caused my teeth to decay at an alarming rate, in places one does not normally find cavities.  I have already lost 3 teeth.  My thyroid was also affected by the radiation.  I gained 80 pounds in 6 months and discovered that I'm now hypothyroid (and now taking Armour).

According to the GNM, all dis-ease is rooted in emotional trauma (with the exception of organ malfunction caused by malnutrition, poisoning, or injuries). In order to heal a cancer, you must recognize its cause (the conflict) and resolve that conflict. Upon resolution, you will go into a healing phase where the body’s own bacteria will degrade and decompose the tumor(s).  In German New Medicine there is no such thing as metastasis, just new cancers caused by new traumas. For example, a breast cancer (not all breast cancers) may be caused by the death of a child, a separation conflict (breast = nurturing).  In GNM, a so-called breast cancer metastasis would not be caused by the spread of the breast cancer, its cause would be a secondary trauma, such as the shock of the breast cancer diagnosis. 

Please become familiar with the Iron Rules of Cancer and the Five Biological Laws. There are other breast cancer testimonials at the German New Medicine Website. The testimonial by Cherry Trumpower (who incidentally was a patient of one of my alternative practitioners) is particularly compelling.  Cherry subjected herself to much suffering from conventional treatments before discovering GNM.  Her breast cancer was healing when she died of respiratory complications from a conventional medical intervention - it had nothing to do with cancer. 

I cannot say enough good things about the German New Medicine! I implore you, and all reading this who are afflicted by cancer, to please take the time to learn about it and incorporate it into your healing strategy.

German New Medicine

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